Wednesday, November 21, 2012

O sol quebra em seus lábios
Permeando em dias ensolarados
De fracos risos
E fortes angústias

Nunca o vi tão só
Só, consigo mesmo...

Por trás do rosto sereno,
Um ideal
Um sonho
Ora utópico
Por hora impaciente.

Talvez o mundo já estivera pronto para compreendê-lo
Ou jamais estará
Pois ali,
Esperando o sol morrer,

Eu nunca o vi tão só.
Só, consigo mesmo.
Só com a solidão.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

"Vou Ter"

"Vou ter"

Existo, logo hesito
Pelo simples fato de ser e pensar

Tênue linha entre a solidão
E meros persistentes devaneios...

Porém volto a ti
Meus ternos pensamentos,
Momentos que nunca vivi.
Esqueço o discurso prévio...

Hesitar se torna fútil
E existir se faz todo e qualquer sentido.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Marte - me

Marte - me

Flutuo e me deixo ir
Com gosto de terra em minha boca
E de raízes as quais me prendi.
Não mais me vejo como antes...

Com Fobos e Deimos, converso
E não sou correspondido
Aqui tudo é vermelho
Não de sangue...
Nem de paixão...

Vago o inóspito
Com o calor escaldante
Deteriorando minhas córneas,

O oasis nunca esteve tão perto,
Naus de ferro e robótica
Chegam aos poucos...

Explosões surdas
Brilham sobre minhas têmporas

Mas dessa vez
Eu flutuo,
Flutuo me deixando ir
Salivando o gosto da terra
A galáxias - luzes daqui.

Monday, August 27, 2012

The Smile

The Smile

Spare me a smile
Glanced over your shoulders.
The void...
Then darkness...
Afar again.

The touchable presence of yours
A pleasant time by some waterfall
The farmer's backyard...
Then the sun...

Seems we have passed out
For months...weeks
Staring the treetops
Or just my fantasy...

I still can't look at those pictures
Without bringing you alive

The true and pure smile
Insists on keeping me blind.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Our Water

Our water

Longer days on summertime...
UV rays shattering the glassy office
That reflects a chapel

Across the street
Leisure for the business man
Whose moistened feet
Lays during the lunch time

An itinerant hostel
For the homeless and beggars
Among tourism
By the house of books

The greenish path to insanity
As I see
The gothic architecture

The colorful defocus spots
Glisten weaved in the used water

Amuse me
And I don’t fear to touch it.

A sign

A sign

Lobsters lovers
Soaked fingers
With spicy sauce

Late afternoon in Marblehead
Stores closed
The scent of sandalwood comes evident
Each time waves crashes
Against the slippery slime rocks

The meeting starts at the luxurious bistro
Con men only stalked by the lighthouse spot

Approaching cool breeze from deep ocean
Then darkness
Takes place over the restaurant deck

I knew it
This place is mystic
I cannot deny

Friday, July 6, 2012

Long time, no sea

“Long time, no sea”

Long time, no see - said the mate
Seems to be friends greeting around me
And talking about their lives and wives
Interrupted by their kids asking money for lemonades
Chatting and staring the skyline
Sunset , 4th of July

For those friends , the time lost doesn’t really matters at all
And they wanted more than ever
Revive stories in a fraction of seconds 
Moments gone...
Cheers to make a toast
For the true value of a friendship
Whose concludes and flows its cycle right there in front of me

It can take a long time for this to happen
But there is no “sea” who can destroy it.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Saturn Rings

Saturn Rings

We crushed like the Saturn rings
Then you became cold
with the moonlight above...

The glisten beauty of your pale skin tone
Sedimenting traces of my deluded attempt
Keeps us rounding in circles...

Now I can stare further
From where we started...
I gather the crumbs
Not to loose you...
But to tell you
Where we must be together.

Monday, May 28, 2012



I can talk
of things we don't lived

I can feel
moments who can't be talked

I could try
to forget the feel

I will waste
my deluded try

In a world of...
wasting a try...
for talking what we really feel...

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Mr. Junior

Mr. Junior

My mind is rambling
Like Junior's once was

Contesting  the opposite choice
Is the gift of humanity

The harbor where we anchor
Sometimes obstructs the neighbor sailor

Like the pillar of our relations
Based on a simple practice of "letting go"
Can be torn by each of both sides of the row...

Time is priceless
As silence has its preciousness...

Human beings are far from being human
In a world of materialism
Without noticing the main material

Feelings are higher and deeper than that...
And often we just have to seek them...

Monday, April 23, 2012



For now
I'm off.

For those whom I behold
I unchain my soul
Through the truth that can not be told

For freedom
On foggy days
That surely will come

For guidance and mercy
I resigned my origins...

Taking memories with me...
And never forgetting
The loved beings
And principles
From those who always cared me of...

For now
I'm off.

Monday, March 26, 2012



It is a matter of point of view
As we handle with bad news
The material essence
Gives place to faithful patience

Structures are subjected to swing
But they can deal with most furious winds...
The desire of our inner confidence
Make us stronger
And ready to fight another

Tough chapters are supposed to be read
as same as to be written...

It is a matter of time
for those who harvest hope
It is a matter of time
To truce the rain and the sun comes shine.

Thursday, March 8, 2012



Antagonistic personalities
Matching souls in a non-time path
The bravery bride...
The groom with a task.

Interdependence on each others acts
That young souls couple
And their humble trail to build a family
Are supposed to be together until the day to rest

Society gives us choices
That ramble among feelings...
True and fake.
Filled and blank.
Pride and shame.
Love and hate.

We have the will to pick them up
Thinking like the old or now days that should come.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012



Enough time...
But never to say goodbye...
Covered eyes
That stares your tan lines

Lying through the veils
Between belive and pretend to

Enough time...
Flies the unnoticed
And runs itself out
Healing the pain
Arrested in the deep

Enough time...
Is what we have
To live and let die
And face the colors
Of each brand new
Morning light