Monday, October 31, 2011

Mount Athos

Mount Athos

Dispossessing attractions...
Servitude echoes along
Mount Athos monasteries.

Praise the one who loves us all
While I gather some olives for penance

External minds
Gave the world the art of blind
As them survive
We lose our main culture

Arrested by global profits
The essence is gone
Abdicated by silence
We save our lungs

Breathing barefoot
Waiting the way to our crosses
The rules are different down here
We got the fascists
Multinational bosses

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

One Last Dive

One Last Dive

Early twilight on summertime
Soaked in salted water
Synthetized happiness
Standing my back to the skyscrapers

Floating through ripples
A blue picture almost gone
Phobia with both eardrums glued
I really don't know how to float...

The other side of the island
Their chimney smoke spreads the sky
Like clouds among the albatrosses

Sound of splashing water
Coming from a couple of swimmers
The stinging algae on my feet does not bother anymore...

Surpassing the eagerness of the landlords
The borders once will fall

Wildness comes when you're lack of it
And I have no wish to look backwards now

Time is ticking...
One last dive...
Then I turn around...

I'm back to where
Society keeps us grounded

Sunday, October 16, 2011



Awkward situations
Embraces me through a dark road
Glaring dreams remains unsolved
Losing touch in oblivion

The awkward is myself
Lying on my back
On the cotton fields
Or among the tall trees
Hoping for some light
Thirsty for a sip of life


Then spirit sits on a back porch
Fingering the major chord

Living is contact...
And contact is the essence of our deepest